Sports and Activities

For all the latest news and events, please see the most recent edition of “TheSpirit” – our community newsletter.

Our community is always on the go with a number of community and city-based activities.



Run at the Ridge

As always, parents are encouraged to volunteer as coaches or assistant coaches on their child’s team. Basketball Manitoba, in conjunction with the WMBA, will be conducting coaching clinics throughout the fall. Please check their websites, or this page, for more information as the clinics are announced. Coaches are always needed, and unfortunately, are also in short supply. If we do not have coaches for a certain age group, players registered in that particular age group will need to be transferred to the closest community centre hosting a team in that age group. Help our players stay in Whyte Ridge…
Refunds will be provided if an athlete chooses to withdraw from the program prior to the first game of the season. All refunds are subject to an $8 administration fee, which is deducted from the registration fee amount. To obtain a refund, email notification must be given to the Whyte Ridge Basketball convener at Notification must be provided at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first game of the season. There are no refunds after the first game of the season.
If you have any questions, please send me an email at
Randy Sosnowski
Whyte Ridge Basketball Convener

Scouting is open to boys and girls.
Beavers: 5 – 7 years of age
Cubs: 8 – 11 years of age
Scouts: 11 – 13 years of age
Venturers: 14 -18 years of age

Children can join at any stage of the program.
Beavers and Cubs meet Thursday at the Whyte Ridge Elementary School. Beavers from 6:30 to 7:30, and Cubs 6:30 to 8:00. Scouts meet Tuesday 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Whyte Ridge Elementary School.
There is no active Venturer group in Whyte Ridge, but a Venturer group is active in Lindenwoods.
We are always looking for new leaders. What can you do in the 60 minutes between the drop off and pick up of a Beaver? Perhaps load the dishwasher.
Come join your child for a craft and an active game, or join as a leader.
If you have questions contact:
Whyte Ridge Group Commissioner – Rod Chongva – or 489 0905
Brent or by telephone at 489-1144

Girl Guides
Registration for Girl Guides for the fall of 2010 will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at the Whyte Ridge Community Centre.
Anyone interested in registering their daughter for Sparks, Brownies, Guides or Pathfinders or interested in becoming a leader is welcome to attend between 6:30 and 8:30.
In Whyte Ridge, girls can start Guiding as young as 5 years old, as a Spark, or join anytime as a Brownie, Guide, Pathfinder or member of the Senior Branches. Girls who have specialized interests can choose from one of our Extraordinary Options.

Sparks…………………………………………5 – 6
Brownies ……………………………………..7 – 8
Guides ………………………………………..9 – 12
Pathfinders ………………………………….12 – 15
Sr.Branches …………………………………15 – 17

Whatever option you choose, you can be sure that your daughter will have lots of fun and adventures.
Please call 253-3937 for more information or see